Messages From Spirit - Facebook Live

Join me for my show, "Messages from Spirit" on Facebook and let me connect you to my guides wisdom and your loved ones (and pets) on the other side.

Date:  TBA

Time: 7 pm (Atlantic Time)

Location: Click here to join my Facebook page to take part

Cost: FREE

Mini Readings - 4th Annual Psychic Fair

So excited to be taking part in this great event, hosted by Oh My Soul & Journey at the Denis Morris Community Centre

I will be doing mini readings at this great event that are $30 for 15 minute connections to your loved ones or to gain clarity around an issue in your life.

Date:  Friday, November 1st - 5 pm to 9 pm & Saturday, November 2nd - 10 am to 4 pm  

Location:  Denis Morris Community Centre - 330 Greenhead Road, Saint John, NB.

Admission: $2

Events & Courses