e4 Trauma Method™

The intention of the e4 Trauma Method™ is to release the limiting beliefs and commands within your subconscious mind and restore your true identity.

You are an all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal spiritual being with the ability to create your dreams into reality.

The e4 Trauma Method™ helps you to no longer be reactive, triggered, or feel like you are the effect of life. It helps restore your freedom of choice and to live your truth!

What is Trauma?

Trauma is relative for each person. Commonly, we think of trauma as a major physical event like being in a war or getting in a car accident, but trauma is something that most people experience. According to the dictionary, trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience physically or mentally.

The majority of people have experience an emotional trauma at some point in their lifetime. Spiritually, an emotional trauma is an incident where there is a high state of negative emotions, backed by a lie; a limiting belief or a divided perspective about yourself, others or life, which imprints upon the subconscious mind.

Emotional traumas persist within consciousness via a command that is programmed into the subconscious mind at the time of the traumatic incident which is called an engram. An engram is a neural encoding that provides a physical persistence in memory. Engrams are linked and persist heuristically via triggers or commands. Furthermore, in order for the mind to process all information, it has to collapse events and experiences into categories, so it recalls incidents by association to similar environments, circumstances or commands.

In general, most commands are statements of limiting beliefs about yourself, others, and life. Commands are created during trauma incidences, in a highly negative state, that impress upon the subconscious mind and go into the automated programming of the individual. An example would be if someone has an emotional trauma linked to an abandonment within the realm of relationships. Their subconscious mind would automatically have the person believing that they will be abandoned within every relationship.

Spiritually, our DNA has the memory of all the traumas of our lineage of all lifetimes. In science, epigenetics is suggesting that our inherited traumas impact our DNA's expression.

Examples of Commands:

Commands about yourself: “I will never trust again.” “I can't do this.” “I'm never enough.” “I don't matter.” “I will always be alone.” “Somethings wrong with me.”

Commands about others: “They don't care.” “They are mean.” “They lie.” “Nobody will be there for me.” “Everyone leaves.”

Commands about life: “Life never works out.” “Life hurts.” “Life sucks.” “I don't want to live.” “Life is scary.” “Life is hard.”


This 4-step process includes; re-experiencing the traumatic incident, staying present without any evaluation, neutralizing the emotions by fully feeling them without resistance, releasing the commands and shifting back to freedom of choice.


STEP 1: Experience: Re-experience the traumatic incident as if it’s happening now.

STEP 2: Evaluation: State the traumatic incident without evaluation or judgment.

STEP 3: Emotions: Allow yourself to fully feel your emotions you felt during the traumatic incident.

STEP 4: Enlightenment: What limiting beliefs did you command into your subconscious mind during this traumatic incident and what new declarations do you want to make for your life?

Trauma Method